Christ Episcopal Church
PO Box 67 413 West Evesham Road
Magnolia, New Jersey 08049
Phone ~ 856.783.4270
9:15 a.m. Christian Education
10:00 a.m. Service

How Do I....


...Become a Member


Please contact the clergy to learn about becoming a member. A "Letter of Transfer" is the form used for current Episcopalians. If you are not already an Episcopalian, the clergy will discuss how to become a member. You may request immediately to be placed on the membership rolls and mailing list.

...Follow Along With the Service


Each service has a Service Bulletin, that outlines the order of the service and references pages in the red prayer book and page numbers for hymms.  Hymms are from a multitude of sources.  Please feel free as new and long time members  look around their neighbors to find the correct source.   All  books are available in each pew.


...Make donations


Tax deductible contributions can be given in several ways.  You can place your donations directly into the collection plate during the service, church envelopes, memorial donations, donation of stock, planned giving and several other methods.

...Get Baptized


Anyone may be baptized at Christ Church. Please contact the clergy .

...Get Married


Please contact  the clergy. Fees may be involved. Couples need to participate in premarital counseling with the clergy.

...Get Confirmed

We hold Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation when the Bishop visits. Please contact speak to the clergy for more information.

...Hold a Funeral or Memorial Service


Anyone may be buried from Christ Church. Please contact the clergy immediately. Arrangements may be made to hold the service at the Church or in a Funeral Home. The clergy will consult with the family to design an appropriate service.